Tuesday, April 21, 2009


This is my new "blog" for stuff that isn't a chronicle of my daily life. This is where I will be doing most of my updating from now on. My old website can be found here: www.xanga.com/ForrestTheMarksman

Also, the word "blog" is hereby banned from this site. You may call it a website, by its very name, or simply The Shit. Any further mention of the "b" word will result in me coming through your monitor and shoving your keyboard through the bridge of your nose.

Until next time, punch anyone who says "keep it real"



  1. Welcome aboard, dude.

  2. Praise the Lord. Digital vernacular is almost as annoying as Hollywood douche bag lingo. I would enjoy stepping on the necks of anyone who uses phrases or words such as those above (other than my junior high youth since I will give them the benefit of being young and impressionable).
    God's peace on finding a job. With your work ethic, it shouldn't be too hard.

  3. p.s. I couldn't sign in using my typical m@ thing. Call me stupid, but I couldn't figure it out. So I had to use my seldom-used AIM screen name of piankepunk.


Don't be cute. Using words like "wut", "kewl", "plz", etc make you look like a simpleton.